Saturday, May 11, 3:00-6:00pm, Kirkland Together: Become Allies Against Anti-Semitism, in-person, Kol Ami, Kirkland. Hear from speakers Prof Nancy Koppelman and Rev. Terry Kyllo and others who will discuss their work to end antisemitism, with follow up discussion on how to increase allyship. Register here.
Sunday, May 12, and May 19, 11:45-12:45, Living Our Principals: Faith, Facts and Fun! In-person, Orchards United Methodist Church, Vancouver. Join Pastor Rachel Byers as she explores the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church which include Economic Community, Politics and Power and World Community. E-mail the church office for more details.
Thursday, May 16, 7:30pm, The Aunties-Women of the Salish Sea, Episode 2, in-person, Washington Center Main Stage, Olympia. The Aunties is an invitation to come together to honor the women that shape, heal, and uphold Indigenous communities—the aunties—through an evening of contemporary storytelling, shared stories live from the stage alongside familial and archival photographs, and works of legacy. Find out more here.
Friday, May 17, 12:30pm, Janitor's March: Contract Kickoff, in-person, McGraw Square, Seattle. Janitors need a new contract NOW as their current wages have been outpaced by the cost of living. Please come out and support janitors as they raise their voices and demand respect, dignity, no cuts to their healthcare, and a living wage. Register here.
Saturday, May 18, 9:00am-12:45pm, Supporting Movements for a Just and Peaceful World, online. Join the Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation for its 26th annual Spring Assembly. Hear from keynote speaker Kathy Kelly, World Beyond War Board President, who will speak on: "Ring the Bells That Still Can Ring: Movements, Worldwide, to End the Scourge of War." Register here.
May 19-27, Lummi and International Gathering of the Eagles Canoe Journey, in-person. Find out more here.
Wednesday, May 22, 6:00pm, A Cathedral's Complicity in Redlining and Restrictive Covenants, in-person and online, Bloedel Hall, St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral, Seattle. As Saint Mark’s Cathedral considers redeveloping the St. Nicholas property for affordable housing, there is an opportunity to reflect on the history of North Capitol Hill in which racial redlining and restrictive covenants discriminated against people of color. Hear from Rev. Canon Carla Robinson, Sophie Betz, E.N. West and The Very Rev. Steve Thomason. Register here.
Wednesday, May 29, 7:00pm, Hope for Creation: Spirituality in Environmental Care, in-person, St. John's Episcopal Cathedral. Join this event offering by the Environment and Tribal Committees. Find out more here.
Thursday, May 30, 5:45-6:45pm, Healing for the Earth Vigil, The Lilac Bowl in Riverfront Park, in-person, Spokane. Organized by Faith Leaders & Faith Leaders of Conscience. Hear the Salish School drummers and support their school as they are in the process of moving to a new location near the river and there will be more information about how our many organizations can support this effort. Learn more here.
Tuesday, July 2, 7:00pm, An Evening with Lifelong Climate Activist Bill McKibben, in-person and online, First United Methodist Church, Seattle. Third Act Washington (TAWA) is presenting a talk by Bill McKibben who will be issuing a call to action on climate and democracy, including No on Initiative 2117, followed by a Q&A. Register here.