There are many other exciting events happening around our region to mark in your calendar for this summer!
Wednesday, May 29-June 2, Hope for Creation Conference, in-person and online, St. John's Episcopal Cathedral, Spokane. Find out more here.
Tuesday, June 4, 6:30pm, Interfaith Pride Service, in-person, Spokane Public Library Central Branch. This event is open to the public and all are welcome to attend.
Saturday, June 8, Noon-6:00pm, Spokane Pride, in-person, Riverfront Park, Spokane. The parade begins at noon and the festival will kick off at 1 pm.
Saturday, June 15, 11:00-3:00pm, Juneteenth Celebration, in-person, MLK Center (500 S Stone St.), Spokane.
Tuesday, June 18, noon-1:00pm, FAN summer civic engagement meeting, online. We are inviting faith communities in becoming 100% voting communities. This meeting will be the first of our summer civic engagement meeting series. We welcome individuals and communities interested and committed to getting out the vote in their faith community and beyond. The focus of the meetings will be on supporting organizing, voter registration, and mobilization in your community.
Friday, June 21, all day, The Lands Council Legislative Summit, in-person, Spokane Convention Center, Spokane. At the Summit, legislators, attendees and local area experts will craft legislation on six locally important topics with a Climate Justice thread running through them; these proposed bills will be sponsored in the 2025 Legislative Session. The summit is hosted in collaboration with the Expo Tribal Pillar who will lead a symbolic salmon release and prayer along with a canoe race on the Spokane River. The full schedule and registration can be found here.
Saturday, June 29, Pride in Perry, in-person, South Perry District, Spokane. Vendors, activities, community resources and more.