29 days til ballots drop - all hands on deck!

Dear FAN colleagues,
With only 29 days until ballots drop, it’s time to move into high gear to defeat 2117. We have been working with No on I-2117, Earth Ministry and Climate Solutions to spread the word across the state to make sure people vote NO to protect our air and water, forests and farmland, jobs, and transportation investments. And we need YOUR help!
As you likely know, Initiative 2117 is on the statewide Washington ballot this November, and if voters pass it, it would repeal our state’s landmark law to cut climate pollution and fund clean energy – and would block future action.
That’s why we are asking you to consider signing up with the No campaign to help door knock and ensure folks know to vote NO! Go here to get customized details on days/times of possible opportunities near you.
We are also asking you to please join the No on 2117 campaign’s REALLY BIG Phonebank on Saturday, September 28th, 6-7:30pm. Sign up here to join us!
If you can't help on September 28th (and even if you can) please consider also helping at our standing phone banks, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays 6-8 pm.
If there has ever been a time to volunteer, this is it! The more people that phone bank on the 28th–the more people we have on the phones, the faster we can make calls to reach voters across Washington! And we need many canvassers to help us knock doors. Now is the time to jump in!
Sign up to join us for door knocking
from Bellingham to Vancouver to Spokane
Sign up to join us to call on Sept 28th
We can defeat I-2117 together, if we all help!
In Solidarity and Hope,
FAN Staff: Blake, Brianna, Elizabeth, Jess, Kristin
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